Friday, April 20, 2007

Mr Hammerhead sharks came to say hello!

Here are some of the snapshots of the dive sites that you can find at Layang Layang. The hot favourites are The Point and the Gorgonian Forest. We were there for obvious reasons... To find the scalloped hammerhead sharks.

For those of you who have the patience to find the elusive Pygmy seahorses, there are plenty of Gorgonian fans for you to hunt of these little creatures in which they call home. Here's a preview of Pygmy seahorse in case some of you non divers out there might be wondering what sort of creature is this. Take note: this is a CLOSE up shot of the seahorses. They measure only about 1/2" tall in real life.

Alternatively, just float effortlessly, keep your fingers cross and wait for the hammerhead sharks to come.

Day 1- No hammerhead sharks, just the devil rays passing by to say hello... Day 2 - no hammerhead sharks , Day 3 - we were getting desperate ... so NO hammerhead sharks.
By the fourth day, we were so desperate and worried that we will never see the hammerhead sharks. There was a Japanese man who came THREE times to Layang to see the sharks but he always went home disappointed. You should have seen the smile on his face when he finally saw those creatures.

Finally, we managed to see it!!!! I have attached some pics with the courtesy of Mr Bruno Cozzi, who had captured these pictures. They are so beautiful............

Monday, April 16, 2007


Here's a little orientation of Layang Layang Resort. Gives you an overview of what you are expected from this little resort. I have included pics on the basic and dive facilities you can find there. It's nothing extravagant but the cabins are very clean and comfortable...

Washing area where divers could have a nice cold clean shower after an exhausting dive...

An nice clean area where you can put your dive equipement and personal belongings safely.

A cool refreshing dip at the pool during your suface interval before your next dive.

Can't find the hammer heads in the deep blue sea? Not to worry! You can find one just in your bedroom!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Antonov- Athohob 38-120

How does a 20 seater Russian plane entice you???

Questions ran through my mind....Call it work hazard..... Safety! Pardon me but the Russian avaiation standards do NOT impress me with the reputation that they have build in the past recent years in the aviation industry.

I am sure some of us vividly remember the accident of Flight 2937 on the 1 Jul 2002 where FIFTY-TWO children were on their way to Barcelona when the aircraft crashed into a cargo plane at 36,000f in mid-air over Germany. Bless them.....

Well, I guess we don't really have a choice do we? The option is either to take a boat and endure the perilous waves which god knows takes how many hours it will take to reach Layang island or take a bet with this old time Russian twin jet propeller. We took the easy option out!

For the benefit of men viewers for this blog entry, you can check out for further information on the Ahtohob at and find out about the vital statistic of this Russian 'babe'.

A quick scan of the safety card reveals the safety evacuation route. If you understand Russian, good for you.... read on. Otherwise, don't waste your time!

Don't expect a cute flight stewardess to come along to ask you for a drink. Be thankful that you get a seat and air conditioning! Otherwise, you could be nice to this ex flight stewardesss and I might give you a taste of an SQ services onboard. *wink* :) Ah.... I do miss those happy days!!!!!!!

One night at Kota Kinabalu

Kota Kinabalu is located on the west coast of Sabah, Malaysia. This city is named after Mount Kinabalu, situated about 90 kilometres east-northeast of the city. Aside from bird watching, trekking or mountain climbing, this city is a gateway to many great dive sites. Here's an aerial photo of Kota Kinabalu.

We have decided to treat ourselves to some delicious, authethic Malaysian seafood that was cooked to perfection.

The food was glorious!!!! So yummy! We had sambal prawns, crabmeat fried rice which had plenty of crabmeat for us to devour. Stir fried kangkong with chilli and fresh mussels............

Saturday, April 07, 2007

My HammerHead Sharks Here I Come!

This day has FINALLY came! The day that I have been waiting for so LONG! We have planned this trip since last year..... Layang Layang, my dear hammerhead sharks here I come. I really look foward to a good deal of sunshine and swimming with the hammerhead sharks.

LAYANG LAYANG- This island is a diver's haven. An atoll of 13 linked coral reefs, this is an island part of the 600 islands, reefs and shoals in the South China Sea known as The Spratly's.

GETTING THERE- Catch a flight to Kota Kinabalu and another hour flight to Layang Layang island. If you are not a non diver, forget about going there. You'll get bored to death and probably die of envy when all the divers coming back raving about the hammerhead sharks they have seen or spotting an unsusal sea creature!

I got to catch a flight now... catch you guys later....